Not confident with numbers?
Need a maths qualification for your work? Want to be able to use maths in your day to day?
This course will help you build your confidence and work towards your Functional Skills qualification.
Topics covered on the functional skills syllabus include, depending on the level: understanding the relationship between numbers and ratio, fractions, decimals, percentages and calculations. 2D and 3D shapes are covered, including calculating perimeter, area, volume and investigating angles. Data handing skills are developed and learners will be able to present data in a number of different ways, such as line graphs and bar charts. Time (from minutes up to years) are covered to ensure learners are confident in telling the time and working with timings in a practical manner.
The course will be delivered online via Teams. There will be a mix of learning through discovery by exploring tasks, direct input, demonstrations, worked examples, group discussion and practice questions. Resources will be available to all learners each week.
During each session, the tutor will assess understanding through listening / observing and questioning. Homework will also provide information on learner progress and there will be regular ‘pulse tests’ to assess retained understanding under exam conditions.
Towards the end of the course, there will be practice exam papers given and revision tailored to the learners.
There will be homework set every week; this could include:
If you would like to discuss further learning, employability and personal development opportunities, please let your tutor know or complete this section on your personal learning record and we will be in touch to make an information, advice and guidance appointment.
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