In line with the national lockdown, CLIP is working hard to move all learning online, and tutors will be in touch with students to provide guidance and support for this process.
Our centres will be closed except in specific and pre-arranged circumstances (for 16-19 year olds only), and all Functional Skills examinations are cancelled.
We do have our largest ever range of online and distance learning courses available on our website, so please do have a look, we hope that there’s something for everyone:
Finally, we are working very hard at home to ensure that we continue to provide you with a high-quality teaching and learning experience. Should you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Please also read the following information on our course delivery.
CLIP’s Remote Education Offer
In the event of any lockdown situation, or if a learner needs to learn from home owing to self-isolation, CLIP is determined to continue to make learning accessible for you. As such, we shall offer the following:
Access to HE
Delivery will continue in ‘real time’ lessons at the same times and on the same days as any classroom based delivery. Lessons will be recorded to ensure that learners can access the sessions at an alternative time should this be required due to challenges of home schooling, or illness. It must be made clear however, that the greatest benefit comes from learning with your peers, so we do encourage you to attend the ‘live’ classes where possible.
Flare & Career Net
In the event of a lockdown, learning will move online and will be taught in ‘live’ sessions. The times of these sessions may vary a little from your normal classroom based sessions, but your tutors will ensure that you are provided with clear guidance and support throughout the process.
In the event that delivery is being delivered within the classroom but you need to stay at home (for example because you need to isolate) then the expectation would be that you engage with real time lessons remotely using Teams.
Even during a lockdown situation, we are permitted to have some students attend on site delivery based on personal circumstance. Again, your tutor will discuss this with you as and when required.
Adult Accredited Courses
In the event of a lockdown, these courses shall move to real time online lessons delivered on the same day and at the same time as your existing class. In some specific instances, such as horticulture, where the level of practical activity required means that online or remote learning is exceedingly challenging, then the decision may be made to pause studies until ‘classroom based’ learning can resume again.
Community Learning Courses
Many of our community learning courses are already online, but where they are not, the decision will be made as to whether the courses can be moved to online provision, or whether the nature of the course (such as Computers for Beginners), means that remote learning would not be appropriate and so the decision will be made to postpone the course start/ delivery.
Building Better Opportunities
Sharon and Tina will be in touch with every participant to determine the most effective strategy for continued engagement during lockdown/ isolation. This might include regular telephone calls/ video calls/ email updates or group online sessions. The offer will be personalised to your needs and your confidence levels.
In all instances, we aim to make any shift to remote learning as smooth as possible, and staff will be available to help you through the process. Should you lack the IT required to join online lessons, then we may be able to help you, so please do ask. Our contact details are: or call one of our centres.