An opportunity to discover the connection between your emotional health and what you eat. Discover food that support your mental health and help you to feel better.
This four hour course will be split into two two hour segments delivered on the same day. An introduction to the gut-brain axis and microbiome Attendees will learn how processed foods negatively impact the gut and the brain There will be discussion and presentation on how to positively change the diet in simple and affordable ways
Pen and paper for taking notes
Pen and paper for taking notes
The course will be classroom based, face to face with learners. There will be presentation and discussion with students supported to use web searches for answering some of the questions around emotional health and what we eat.
Discussion and review throughout the day
If you would like to discuss further learning, employability and personal development opportunities, please let your tutor know or complete this section on your personal learning record and we will be in touch to make an information, advice and guidance appointment. New courses are advertised in centre and on our website regularly. / Riverside Training (